
What a lame deal. Let the free market decide!

@dcdttu: No, yours is to take an agenda from a dunce of a vice-president named Algore, dress it up to make it look and sound and act like a global catastrophe, and then strong arm the government to force this agenda on the rest of us in the name of "bettering our environment". Forget it man, it's a huge, stinking

@dcdttu: I should remind you, dcdttu, that in the 70's the big scare was global cooling. We were told that we were all going to die because the earth would be too cold to grow any crops. Yet 1936 was our hottest year on record. Do you see a pattern here?

@dcdttu: Go paint your roof then, dude. And while you're at it, stay off of my roof! Comments like yours are the reason why we have the government telling us what kinds of toilets we have to use, what kinds of light bulbs we have to use, and so on and so on. Enough! This crap about painting roofs white is a load

@kifac: LOL! I love it.

@dcdttu: We have enough government intrusion in our lives. Please don't give them any ideas.

What a royal waste of time, effort and paint.

@lobstr: LOL! I love it.

@RtFusion: That's one explanation I'm not sure I needed.

What an eyesore in an otherwise-beautiful place.

Hmm. I'm not sure I saw that connection before I saw this article. Even now, I'm having a hard time making the connection. Maybe it's just me.

@Shamoononon: What if the nut-bag stalker is employed by the government? Then they can harass you, tax you, fine you, find you, and whatever else — all with the power of the government on their side. You wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

@ac1D: She definitely is good looking! That's not really my point though. What I'm saying is, I don't really need to see her strip down to her panties or jiggle her boobs or whatever in order for me to want to buy a domain name from them. I get the feeling the CEO of GoDaddy thinks he needs to get his (male)

@FritzLaurel: Ha! Very true! Maybe it's just the nature of the business...? :)

@EdgarJPublius: I work now with Network Solutions. They're a little more expensive, but I think they are pretty solid and give you a lot of management options. I have tried 1&1, and whatever others but they seem to be very limited in how you can manage the DNS services, such as splitting up MX records,

@k2001: I worked with them in their earlier days, registering domains and using one of their vps servers. After so long, it got to the point where it was too much to ignore. Since then I've moved 30-some domains from there, shut down the vps, and am generally moving towards completely closing my account. I think

I'm done with GoDaddy, only because of the way they advertise by exploiting women. If that's your thing, that's fine, but it's not mine. They should either be a domain registrar or a skin company, but not both!

Awesome, can't wait to try it out.