Andy DeLozier

Only played these on initial release, on the Xbox.

The best KotOR?

Me too. Me too.

What happened to your humanity?

It’s not really sudden. He’s been battling this for a while now, sadly.

That seems like the nightmare scenario, actually. Miyamoto doesn't come across as a businessman.

This reads like it was written by a teenage tryhard.

As a writer for one of the biggest gaming blogs on the net, how have you “barely heard of” Shenmue?

I’d gladly pay the original devs big bucks for these gems, but GameStop can go to hell with their prices.

Sweet. Although I don’t know anyone in the program.


Snaaaaake Eeeeeeeater!

Only when I’m fighting Gozer the Gozerian.

I got this.

Hardware updates


Smart move. Otherwise people would hack the game (as illustrated by this), it would be brought to the ratings board’s attention (even though it wasn’t meant to be seen anyway), and the game would be recalled and get slapped with an Adults Only.

You're kind of a douche, aren't you?