Andy DeLozier

Darn. You beat me to it.

Nolan North needs to reverse his shirt colors for maximum Nate Drake resemblance.

Stop trolling the poor.

Can't tell if serious...


"The Definitive Edition is available on PS4."

Oh, please. Watanabe agreed to do it.

Gearbox doesn't care. Randy Pitchford is laughing all the way to the bank.

That's exactly what it felt like, and I'm still not over it. Randy Pitchford is such a dick.

I was about to blow this off, but your post is actually full of awesome.

Keep the pressure on, Jason. I hate to say it but I just emulate everything illegally because of the uncertainty you touched on here. I'd gladly pony up for the classics again, but not when the infrastructure is so poor.

That's exactly what this guy wants you to think. Don't fall for it.

This is such a load of shit. The notion that a crappy mobile game could "pave the way" for FFVII is truly hilarious. Really funny stuff.

Hate to break it to you, but you're just plain wrong with that first statement.

QUOTE | "I believe that mobile is the true next generation gaming platform." - Turbo founder and CEO Yohei Ishii, a startup signed recently by Nexon, talking about why they are serious about core gaming on mobile platforms.

QUOTE | "The next really big growth wave in computer gaming is likely to come from gamers shifting to tablets as their primary gaming device." - Kristian Segerstrale, COO of Super Evil Megacorp, explaining why they are working on hardcore games for tablets.

take note that no one is recommending your posts

What a great score. Excellent choice for this trailer.

The top figure is somehow Cortana. Calling it now.

Andrew. Used my own name!