Is that some kind of newfangled Gorn?
Is that some kind of newfangled Gorn?
Nice to see Sega still doing what Nintendon't.
I hope you're trolling, because if you're serious... just wow.
Square can't even pull off what Square does anymore. Sad times. :/
Thanks for this. I agree with a lot of what you just said, so I think I'm going to Redbox it at least to draw my own conclusions. I love the film too much to not even try it.
No kidding. There are so many great games out there already that I could weather this storm just fine should the shit really hit the fan.
So, do you think they should have changed the sound to even further piss off the only people who are going to be interested in this?
Thanks for the heads up. :/
I was thinking the same thing, but then I saw the video that @Billy Dee Williams posted in response to me. It's so discouraging.
I was thinking the same thing, but then I saw the video that @Billy Dee Williams posted in response to me. It's so discouraging.
Jeez, this makes me so sad. Great video btw, and thanks for the link.
I did the same thing! I had a black and grey one. I only did it after seeing them offered as special editions in Japan and learning they would never be released in the States. ^^
Can we hear from an Aliens fan, please? I am about as die hard as they come, and I can usually gloss over a fair amount of flaws if it ties into the source well enough. Was really looking forward to this. :/
Maybe so, but I've just saying I've never seen it, and I've used a lot of gampads. I'm only questioning how common it is.
I love my VB!
I've played a hell of a lot of N64 in my time, and I've never had a broken analog stickānor have I seen one. I've known them to get loose over time, but that's it. Did you and your friends abuse your gamepads?