But my parents didn't buy it for me. And if they knew I was, I'd sure as hell be punished for it.
But my parents didn't buy it for me. And if they knew I was, I'd sure as hell be punished for it.
It's not just you. It's the way it's built. It's basically FFXI in offline mode.
Someone gets it! Now cue the emo kids who haven't even played the games at the top.
To be honest, FFXIII is the only game I can think of that runs better on PS3. We have both consoles in our household, and my wife is always bemoaning the state of the games on her PS3 compared to the 360. This looks good, but Japanese games may be the exception because well, you can figure that out...
I noticed it and used it right away. Love it, Mr Totilo.
This guy is just a walking joke. I lose more hope for humanity each time he opens his mouth than I do from listening to dudebros on XBL.
This guy's collection is so much classier than the dude who was just featured and holds the Guinness title.
As far as GIFs go they are pretty good, but I'm not really a fan. As I said to someone else in these comments, they make me feel like I time warped back to 1997. I just don't see the purpose when we have videos.
As do I.
Same here.
I totally missed this, and my wife works for Oxford University Press no less. Shame on me.
It's so trippy. I feel like I'm browsing an Angelfire fan site from 1997.
Thanks for writing all this so I didn't have to. Celes and Terra ftw.
Why all the GIFs lately, Stephen? I'm curious.
le sigh
What I mean is that our gov't could find whatever they want to find with these studies and enact legislation based off of the results because they are "official". Even if it is bad science, who would listen and what does it matter to legislators? Politicians don't give a crap about peer review.