Andy DeLozier

I like his films, and someone's confused!

This is actually about as a good as firefight. And as far as content, I'm not having a problem. I still find myself playing Halo 4 more than anything else on my 360.

Are you blind? Come on. I knew it was Metal Gear -immediately-, and the evidence is overwhelming.

YES! God, I hope so.

You're right that people want new IPs, but publishers also have to think of new ways to market their existing catalogs. If this is not MGS, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

It's viral marketing for the next Metal Gear game. I'd bet real money on it.

They don't exist. This has to be viral marketing for MGS: Ground Zeroes. I'm calling it right now.

Metal Gear: Phantom Pain?

Seriously? Maybe not every time, but jeez. Someone's forgotten what it's like to be a kid.

This. One hundred times, this. It blows my mind when people come out and say the PlayStation pad is perfect as-is.

Yeah. Same here.

NP's website says Dec 11.

My thoughts exactly.

Thank you. A voice of reason.

You must really hate this community sometimes.

It's pretty good, but I have held much more comfortable, more ergonomic pads. I think there is room for improvement.

I hope they ditch the current DualShock design. It's time for a change already.

That's fine, and I remember that, but I can't be convinced that it would have ever made it to market had Nintendo not paved the way so to speak.

They have great games, sure. But show me some hardware innovation. We are still using the same DualShock controller from 1998 for crying out loud. And even that is just a modified SNES pad.

Wow. This is halfway innovative, and it comes from Sony. Blow me down.