Andy DeLozier

I agree. The 80s were a great time to be a kid for all these reasons and many more.

I'm glad Kotaku decided to put this in the spotlight. As a collector myself, this has been eating away at me for quite some time.

The day Phantasy Star Online 2 hits the Vita is the day I buy a Vita. Just saying.

I think the guy at the top of this list has done a pretty good job.

I thought the same as you, and then I found this article on Joystiq just a couple of days ago. Long story short, A:CR was announced before development even began at Gearbox. You should check it out.

Exactly. Thanks for clarifying.

I think it's great that there can be same sex relationships, but they should only be available for specific, gay characters. Not everyone is bisexual, and writing them that way really takes something away I think.


What do you think the BP stands for?

Yaaaouch! Seafood soup!

Thanks for this. <3 Bungie

Thanks for saying this so I didn't have to. I'm fed up with where this industry is going.

I hate this for the employees at Sega. Didn't they go through a similar downsize just a year or so ago?

This has made my day. Bravo, Google.

So, essentially Sony expects the consumer to make a purchase after which they get to keep their hands in our pockets for eternity, forever dictating what we can do with our own stuff.

Couldn't have said it better myself. It seems like this whole generation has been more than anything else a giant experiment determining how to most effectively screw the consumer. And I'm done.

I realise you have a personal stake in this, but it's such nonsense you're spewing! Using your logic one could argue that people don't really buy cars—only access to personal transportation. Maybe cars shouldn't be resold either!

Hear, hear!

I just read that Sega's cutting jobs by nearly 50% and a few projects are getting the axe. I hope a westernized version isn't on the chopping block.

I agree with you also, Jack. I'm not a big supporter of the used market either, but binding the hands of the consumer with glorified rentals has got me screaming enough. Gamers don't even own what they pay for nowadays.