Andy DeLozier

Granted these look miles better than what was found in Oblivion, but that's not saying too much. IMO many are still ugly as hell. Can it seriously be that difficult to design some kick-ass looking elves?

Lol, thanks! I had no idea if people could actually see what I was writing. :)

This makes me miss GameCrazy...

I miss GameCrazy...

Agreed. They have been doing this "used as new" crap for years, and I'm glad this disgrace is bringing it front and center. I hope this bites them hard in the ass.

Never before have I felt so good about not being an early adopter. I'd be pissed if I were a current 3DS owner.

I will be modding my Wii tonight. I'm going to the UK next month and plan on picking up a copy of Xenoblade while I'm over there.

I was undecided as to how I should replay this one, but this clinches it. HD collection all the way.

I will find a way to play this game regardless of platform or region. I need my PSO fix!

I will play this by whatever means necessary.