Badass McFisticuffs

I feel like we hear a lot about teaching kids to be safe on the internet, but not really teach them how to behave on the internet. PSA: You don't say sexually charged things (even if you think you're doing so jokingly) to folks you just don't know, man. Just don't. It makes you the virtual-equivalent of that

It's ridiculous how many fun Sim games there were that seem to be lost forever now, since EA doesn't want to make new ones. I want a new SimEarth.

Also, too many VR headsets on the market now.

I doubt it, since its a peripheral for the PS4 and they wanna sell it with it.
So i'll guess it will have around the 100$-150$ price tag, perhaps even cheaper.

OK, well, if I get the last word, it's really pretty simple.

Had to be during testing week. Great. My students are gonna bomb the big state test because they were up late scaring themselves poopless.

See, I would have pegged her mouth also being her asshole, considering the shit coming out of it.

i mean big pharma being shitty and predatory is a real thing

I bought my PS4 based on three things:

As someone who has them all, here is why.

Welp, I dialed down my laziness, and employed the magical powers of google to find the answer myself.

Sure, but my point is: all we've seen so far is Noctis running. Or, in the best of cases, driving the apparently iconic car. No dungeons, no towns, no other locations, no characters, no story. Just....a plain big landscape with big creatures and Noctis and company. If every footage has been taken from the demo, and

I know it's an MMO... but FF14: A Realm Reborn is basically an amazing experience now full of so much amazing fan-service, I don't even know where to begin. It's the best Final Fantasy game in 10 years, and I'm not even a fan of MMOs.

I don't think that's it. I think they just want to be as accurate as possible to the source material.

you are TOTALLY 'that guy'.

Welp, Time ta Put Bessie down...she was a good girl but she is just get to expensive to take care of anymore.

Anyone who thinks saying "fuck kids" somehow disqualifies you from being a parent most DEFINITELY isn't one!

I just picked it up last night, got 12 percent into the story, its really really good, the controls are a bit difficult because im so use to standard FPS and more recently Destiny, but considering the type of maneuvering I have to do in the game, the controls definitely work, it just takes some getting use to, one of

Xbox One. About 14 hours of play. No Bugs on Single Player. No issues. The game runs flawlessly with no pop-in, lag, screen tear, or other frame rate/visual issues. It is one of the best done open world games ive played as far as performance and graphics are concerned. And the gameplay is very fun and well put