You obviously don’t work in corporate America. I get e-mails like this on a daily basis. Break the rules or you lose your job. This is American Capitalism at its finest. Fuck socialism tho.
You obviously don’t work in corporate America. I get e-mails like this on a daily basis. Break the rules or you lose your job. This is American Capitalism at its finest. Fuck socialism tho.
Steam is the purveyor of oversaturating the market. The more games on steam, the more their revenue. Think they really care about whether or not a game is good? Hell no! It helps, but when a shorty game pays you the same as a AAA, you’re making money either way. Learn to business my friend...
Can someone honestly explain to me how to flirt with a woman? This is an honest and legitimate question. Im really not sure anymore how to flirt and not risk litigation...
Agreed, but can anyone tell me what happened to the Democratic Party? I used to like them, now I refuse to be called dem or repo
Once someone accuses you of being racist, how do you defend yourself? Racism is real, but the concept is purely human. Children do not see color because it truly doesn’t matter at all. Either you’re a jealous white guy, or a butt hurt black dude. I’m native and I’m fuckin tired of all you racist crybabies.
Agreed, I’m going to see it because I’m a Marvel fan. Not seeing it to be a part of a movement that seedbed only color. If your goal isn’t to stop seeing color then you’re just holding a grudge. I’m Native American. Call me racist if you want, but I’m so tired of hearing about color. Get over it! Kids don’t see it…
??? “Average review score is 8.6" but tomato rating is at 100%??? Wtf? I’m going to see this day one but this is bull.
The options for making a Native American in any game suck. And all I hear about are Blacks and Whites whining “There’s not enough of us in the game”. Can you guys please just shut up already??? Who cares what color you are?
When you don’t have home internet, you don’t really notice... sounds like it’s much better single player anyway.
I’m not even white and that sounded racist as hell...
Just played through the first 2 hours of Monster Hunter: World. Very satisfied so far!
This is exactly why I try my best to buy one game at a time. I’ll buy two games and one will sit there for a month because I’m a completionist. If you’ve got a game nagging at you, it’s hard to play another until you’re done with the first
I used to be a democrat, but today I quit. I refuse to be bullied, I refuse to be talked down to, and I refuse to be treated like I was racist just because 59% or some other made up number of white people are racists. I grew under fighting racism and now everyone is getting their “REVENGE”. This is sick and pathetic.
So you don’t think bloggers wanting free anything is a culture of entitlement? That’s exactly what you’re breeding. You yourself wrote in this article that the Cafe BANNED BLOGGERS. And then you wonder why she was treated the way she was? She is a banned customer asking for exactly what bloggers are banned for. Stop…
After all the debacles in the past year, I love the people saying it will be a resounding succes. More niche shit a good console does not make.
No, it’s a stupid idea. Stop trying to make it seem fiscally sound like the idiots on nintendo’a board of directors. Stuck in tradition, closed-minded, shitty business.
I’m glad Nintendo keeps making shitty decisions. Keeps Microsoft, Sony, and PC on top
Yes, cardboard ALWAYS does well when played with by kids...Said no one, ever.
Anything Nintendo isn’t for hardcore gamers. They’re further alienating themselves from the whales like me that’s buy every single game that comes out. Why the fuck would a grown man want to play with cardboard? I just don’t get it... and I’m a 30 yo man lol