Badass McFisticuffs

Only difference are the sales. Many gamers dont realize that gaming is a business like any other. Any businessman can tell you that the Ps4 is the winner. Where has Xbox been with sales numbers??

That's also the reason most XBone games run in 900. You should use that argument. It's a good one! Most devs nowadays are probably making multi-play on ps4 first. Could account for all the divergence. Lightbulb!

I was comparing my personal experiences. I’m not a CoD player and didn’t know about those problems, the thing of it is tho is that that is a dev problem. Just like in the last gen some devs still stick with making it for XBone first, then porting it to the other systems. Not a hardware issue.

Diablo, MLB the show, UFC, Rayman:Legends, NHL, Lego games, Knack. Funny thing is, the XBOne versions have co-op as well, but they run at 900p. Lolol you proved my point that you’re baselessly defending an inferior system. You don’t even own both...and yes, I know couch co-op and split screen are different, but the

You’re not the dev and you don’t know that. I am intimately familiar with game development. Texture res and polygon count are not the first things to go, it’s usually draw distance and fps that they “optimize”. The problem is that with XBOne, they don’t have enough power to keep it to just aesthetics. They have to

When Xbox has ANY game that runs 1080p and 60 fps, hit me up. Until then, quit being a fanboy and defending an inferior system.

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it useless. So what if I think the XBOne is inferior? Only a fanboy would lash out like you. I got both so I didn't have to be like that. You call me the troll, but it was my honest opinion.

It's like the blind arguing with the deaf lolol

Hw does 60 fps make it sooo much better? CoD is 60 and it sucks. I'll take 45 and my split-screen.

Said like a true agoraphobic.

Yeah the 60fps CoD fanboys are more important right? I own both btw. Wasn't a biased statement. It was a statement based on experience...

Fanboys always think dual owners are being fanboys, even though they own both and can compare to find the superior system. You are the fanboy, not me. Defending an inferior system to justify the purchase on your mind is the first symptom. I bought both so I wouldn't have to be like you.

I’m an owner of both and genuinely think the ps4 is superior. Don’t see why I have to prove myself to you, but this is the internet...

I honestly don't understand why people don't get both. When you own both systems you realize one is superior over the other. Posted a pic in reply to another troll. I own both, stop being a fanboy.

Great try, and Halo 5 doesn't come out anytime soon smart one.

Wish the Xbone were powerful enough to run its FLAGSHIP GAME! Already removing features shows the weakness of the system.

The only people who don't care about split-screen are those that didn't grow up playing it with friends. Either no friends or no social life led them to a solitary life in video games. Sad, really...

We’re just two peas in a pod ^_^

It's like you can't think PAST the basics...

It’s like you can’t form a thought without having my words in the comment with your own. We’re both clearly not going to agree. Your use of quantity over quality reflects the futility of my argument. I’m sure you’ll qoute every sentence of my comment again, but it'll be pointless with the same lines repeated over and