He's like Solid Snake in medieval times!! Lol
He's like Solid Snake in medieval times!! Lol
My God, Hamilton! Work on your spoiler control. Showing a picture of ciri then saying, “it’s an ending for Geralt” are major spoilers. Wtf?? I read kotaku reviews because they’re usually spoilerless or at least highlighted black to protect the secrets!!!
Wow, it's really that bad in Iceland? Damn, makes me wonder how many 2nd or 3rd cousins I've dated...yegh my brain is melting...
That's just insane!
How far up there is that stick shoved?
Lol I mostly agree with her, but she’s generalizing horribly with the “problem population” thing. I’ll generalize a bit more and say it’s the pompous, arrogant, rich, entitled white assholes that rape in college. Just gotta specify... Lol
Skrillex, the poor man’s Daft Punk...
Totally agree! I’m not black, but as a person of color, Parker is Spider-Man. Morales was invented to sell more Spider-Man comics.
My entire life I have been battling racism... Figures though, the one guy I want to be white and everyone wants him to be black. Peter Parker is Spider Man. Miles Morales is a poser. I’m native and it’s seriously stupid that people are calling me racist for this... It’s just as racist to say he should be black.…
That last sentence will get you through the whole game lol.
Lol I was gonna make fun of you for buying Gold, but then I remembered how shitty ps plus has gotten.... :( sadface
Love how EULAs are now comparable to God’s Word. Lol and I’m not even religious... EULAs, as they stand right now, are bullshit. Everyone knows it, but when you live in a system where money is more important than human happiness, what can you do? Nothing. Sucks ass.
"The safest way for players to avoid being soft banned is to be a good little sheep and wait months, maybe years, for us to do what one modder did in a few weeks." So fucking stupid. I'm all for banning cheaters, but this blanket banning protocol is screwing with their player base.
Definitely Generational. Explains the exponential growth of gaming since the 90s and why most everyone who has a problem with gaming is over 40.
Being better than a fellow American simply means you have a patriotic obligation to enlighten and bring then to your state of knowledge. That being said, anyone who wants to be “better” must first admit they are flawed. I admit my flaws daily, it's a weakness but it keeps me grounded.
What state do you live in? Haven't seen that in Arkansas yet.
Gotta be the troll. Prison does not equal jail... She'll go to prison most likely.
Her lawyer is buying time to come up with some kind of defense. Lol
As I was discussing with a friend of mine, there should be a disclaimer button! Haha I apologize as well.
Thafuq is ur problem? Calling me a BM is childish. I was giving u a complement on your vocabularic cleverness. Just because I had one or two opinions that are different, you’re going to start name calling? If you’re American, then you are my Brother. Forgive me for any offense I caused.