Badass McFisticuffs

You should try Battlefield high. The slower pace makes it far more fun when you're in the clouds lol.

That’s nothing to laugh about. Many people see being an EVE CEO as a second job. You can make real money, and it takes hard work and dedication. Haha that’s the good ones though. Some run their corps into the ground to profit lol.

Also doesn’t help aging! I know it’s not the only factor, but it’s almost as if oxygen rusts US. Lol

Lmao are you kidding me? Is that real???

I really think A2 is gonna have some bad sequelitis...

But the STORY! It's badass so far. 6 chaps in.

RIP BFH! My little brother and I will miss you!

Ohhhh myyy GOD!LolololololLololololol

lol what the hell kind of show is that horrible chewy on??

Make that when... Evolution demands it.

So let me get this straight... These guys in their 20s-30s are breaking websites to pre-order glorified sky landers??? Thafuq?

I apologize for my comment. I didn’t realize it was a metaphor and the metaphor doesn’t fit. I was just talking about guns which CAN kill you on their own. Dropping them, barrel explosions, flashbacks, misfires. They can all potentially kill you. Don’t be a technicality troll and say, “ but someone touches them

Agreed, my problem is that I live in Redneck country. Kind of hard to be a progressive non-partisan in Arkansas lol, but you know what? You’re right! If no one else in this state is going to even try to be change, I might as well pick up the torch. Thanks for the kick in the ass.

Agreed on all counts. When politics become more important than human lives, something has gone wrong. But anyone who admits it will be scapegoated and laughed into oblivion. It’s a terrible dilemma. I think I’ll coin that. We are now in the time of “The Great Dilemma”. What do we do when no politician can ignore the

Take solace in the fact that some things DO stay the same. We still have family dinners, Holidays, and parties, we still argue about politics, and we still pay taxes. I have a feeling that family, fun, and taxes will be around for a while. ^_^

Lol yeah, I think it's funny how so many conservative Christians worship a hippy. What hippycrites...

Wow, thank you for reading....this entire post is about torrenting. TORRENTING, NOT PIRATING. Stop spouting rage-filled inaccuracies simply because you feel a need to be heard. This entire article is about sharing. Of COURSE pirating should be illegal. I never said anything to the contrary.

From the sound of your last post, you’re a little angry. Anger is indicative of your defensive nature. In no way did you try to prove me wrong other than insulting my ideals, name-calling, and incorrectly guessing my age. To be honest, it sounds like I’m a lot older than you. Grow up and stop being a troll.

While I would like to defend you against Noggle, you’ve obviously never fired a gun either. Overloaded rounds, jams, clogged breaches, blocked barrels and stupidity can all make a gun kill you on its own...

And btw, I read your other comments and they're all filled with nonsense. Stop spouting what the news anchors tell you and think for yourself. They get their money like everyone else, by making a product and selling it.