Feeding babies IS a part of sexuality as "sexuality" is just another term for "breeding behavior"...
Feeding babies IS a part of sexuality as "sexuality" is just another term for "breeding behavior"...
I don't see the problem with this stream...
What I want to know is, why don't we hold the media to the sane standards??? Selling your looks for money is obviously wrong to most everyone here... Do you guys not watch TV??? If you're this up in arms about Twitch, just imagine what we could do with TV ads? We could change the world!
How are guys fucking it up when women are taking advantage of our instincts to get views? Bullshit. Guys are gonna look at boobs and ass no matter what. If women want to be treated with respect, they need to first respect themselves. And I really feel for the women who are doing just that and wearing respectable…
So what you're REALLY saying is women need to get over being objectified. If they're gonna dig their hole with cleavage and a thong strap, they're gonna sit in it too. Wanna use your body for ratings? Then don't be mad when men comment about it! lol men are voracious animals when it comes to women. Using your body to…
In reality, there is no right or wrong. That's a made-up, imaginary human construct. It's debatable, but after 26 years of watching this world and it's inhabitants, I have come to the conclusion that right or wrong is just a burden we put on ourselves for the benefit of our species. Not that it's a bad thing to do the…
I fight for the right of all men to wear tight shorts and no shirt. If they wanna show themselves, they're gonna have to look at us too, and "get over it". Cmon men, let's clad ourselves scantily!!!
:( That's what all the Dinklage fans say...
:( I meant that in a "why hasn't he died yet?" way lol. I think I'm the only human alive that doesn't like dinklage...
EVERYONE REMEMBER! This movie was developed before the Hack, so this is the last of the Old Sony Gems. Hopefully by this time next year we'll have some better things coming out of their studio. That is, if they learned from their mistakes.
Dammit, when?
Never understood why Freddie never went mainstream. He could really be in some movies! Yeah yeah, indies are movies too but c'mon... Nothing like being in a summer blockbuster.
But to the shallow, rich, and narcissistic, yes, it has to be an award winning movie or it's not worth their time. Mostly because they don't want to talk to their rich, narcissistic friends about some video game movie. I really wish people would stop trying to be better than eachother. Rich or not.
Although I disagree, good one.
Because watching an Adam Sandler film, whether it's on netflix or pirated, gives him money to make more right? You really need to learn how the movie industry works. It's Sony, not the viewership. Even if they made $1 from the film, they'd put him in 2 more. Haven't you read the Sony Hack E-mails? Someone over at…
It only gets worse, believe me...
That's Capitalism. Selling your soul for money is almost a must in our system. Don't fight the symptoms, cure the source.
I said that was from experience. I wasn't insulting you, I was trying to get you to not be like me. Lol! Sorry though, I did word it in a bad way. Really wish you'd give DA another chance someday!
For me, 4 was ending enough. In all honesty, I don't see V being quite as good... We'll se though.
So you missed being a battle Mage with spirit sword and staff, you missed all the dragon fights, you played through about 20% of the story and you didn't even make it seeing Morgana. Yeah, you really played it alright...