Badass McFisticuffs

I see what you tried to do... But the delivery was confusing...

A restructuring of our government would do everyone some good as well...



lol yeah, the system could definitely use a facelift

I do love kinja tho... Lol I read more here on kotaku, gawker, and gizmodo than on any mainstream news site. I also don't have to worry as much about political bias. Yeah, there are some feminists and hardcore partisans, but you take the good with the bad. Just gotta be objective. It really is a great blog network, as

I apologize, and I agree!

It's a blog man. All opinion. Don't let it get to you.

What it comes down to is who runs a more open and honest business? Sony every time. How many more ways can Microsoft come up with to screw gamers over?

So... A conformist?While all my friends jumped on the xbox bandwagon, I bought playstation. I've made more friends and had more fun on playstation than I ever did on XBox. Seems like all the immature idiots are on xbox live. Get on psn and it's much easier to find a cool, laid back team that you can kick ass with.

You're a sucker who hates money? Capitalism is the problem. I'm an American that hates money.

unless you don't have $800 to spend on a gaming computer... Like most people with bills...

Surre... Like you can get a PC that can run next gen games for $350... Consoles are only $270 when you trade in an old console. PC is great, consoles are great. Why so much competition???

it's been two years of delays for heists and PC... Then again, I've been waiting since I was in high school for FFXV... What a piece of shit industry..

Then again, I've never raped or been raped so I apologize if I spoke too soon. I understand if you have a troubled past but you can't generalize.

you're a woman aren't you? All men are evil unless you know them huh? We're all rapists until we get on your good side...

S&M is for damaged people... Troll me if you want, but it's true except for the odd couple here and there that are just so crazy they want to physically harm eachother... Right, sounds like a GREAT relationship...

Any man that has sex knows the vagina isn't connected to the stomach... What has he been doing since puberty??? (Not trying to be a troll, I just hate politicians.)

Because targeted sex education isn't discriminatory at all...

So many high school guys don't understand that consentual sex can still be considered rape. Parents don't teach their kids this shit, so the schools are gonna have to step up. There's no way to tell parents how to raise their kids, but that doesn't mean we can't HELP! Guys REALLY need a course in high school about