Thinking like this is why Nintendo will never reach the top again...
Thinking like this is why Nintendo will never reach the top again...
Only Nintendo fans would buy 5-10 versions of the same damn console. Lol I see now that the stereotypes are true. Nintendo fans are out of touch with the world...
Thank you for giving me a well thought out reply. Haha I guess I should say, thank you for not being g a troll. I agree with you about most of what you said! See Kotaku? Sometimes there are better ways to get your point across other than trolling. Good points my friend! Although yes, I still agree to disagree. Fc2 was…
did you play far cry 2, 3, or 4 first? I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Some people like B movies better than AAA action titles. I put 3 on par with movies that are straight to video. Far cry 2 is more like the expendables. Still cliche, but so much higher quality. That's just how it is. I'll never get…
I played the ps3 version. While I agree the malaria thing was too much, I just can't agree that the cliche college students and aboriginal tribe was better than a rogue mercenary. Yes, mercenaries are cliche as well, but at least you didn't have to go through the whole "I'm a puss that's gotta become a badass" schtick.
why do you say that? The only people I hear say that are the people who didn't beat it. I'll take the story in 2 over the B-movie plots of 3 and 4 any day. The visuals in 2 are still, to this day, almost as good as 4 and IMO better than 3. Everyone says there's OH SO much wrong with 2, but it seems to me you're just…
Wtf? I've played every Far Cry and 2 is the best. Hands down. The story is so much better, you get two entire maps, and the graphics were better in 2 than they ever have been in 3 or 4.
Never has a game that required so much patience and cheating received anything above a 5.0. All those reviewers out there must have been paid off. This game deserves a 4.5.
Lol cute kid tho. I hear he lost a lot of the weight.
lol Wow... I was looking for a good picture to reply with, but came across this one and couldn't stop laughing. Only in America.
well, if there are any other women like her in Wales, count me in!
Wow... Learn something new every day! Lol but yeah, please trade us...
Thank you SO so much for this comment. :) made my year.
lolol Alex Jones... Whatever happened to that crazy guy? He still pandering to the ignorant fringe? Or have people come to their senses to see he's a capitalist first and American second. Just like the rest of them.
looks like a car out of a Dr. Seuss book lolol
lol I just can't wait to watch jones wear Cormier down. It's gonna be an endurance match for sure.
Reread my post. Did I ever say he was wrong? I was trying to get the point across that he was sounding pompous. Like this, "explaining security breaches and DDoS attacks to people has become my single most dreaded activity."
Damn, I'm not even this bad... You're more than a grammar freak, you're a grammar nazi!
Why not share your knowledge with those that respect it instead of disrespecting them with candid anger and impatient tolerance?
You must be an xbox fan. They're mostly trolls...