Badass McFisticuffs

Because that's what the Media tells you. There're a thousand different reasons why your kid can go bad, but THIS one is the worst. Lol it's no different than any other time in history except now, these situations garner RATINGS! The more your kids act up, the more they cash in and make parents think it's everyone else

Seriously??? How many underage girls have you guys picked up? I could tell the second I looked at the picture... Buncha weirdos lol jk jk

not really... One girl doesn't warrant passing a law, although in this country's Media, I guess it does... We're a reactive society. Something happens to one person, and people think bills need to be written up. Kids run away. This isn't uncommon, even if it were across the country. News station was just desperate for

Every civilization needs their stepping stones, but when do we take the next step in the history of our country?

Agreed, you should read my posts that aren't about gaming lol. Sad thing is, I've been writing against money since I was in high school. I know I'm on a blacklist somewhere. Many of the commenters on this site are, I'm sure. Sad that those who see the truth about money are the true enemies of America, even if you're a

The problem is there shouldn't be a "xur". There should be multiple vendors that sell different types of legendary gear and drops that actually matter, but then it'd be on par with...every other MMO ever created.

Then Why. Do. You. Play it?!?! It's blowing my mind how many people on here complain about the game, but then just go on playing it and buying DLC. You are ENABLING them to do this to you. They're not listening to fans, they're listening to money. I mean, how much more clear does it have to get that they don't care

the problem China is that every other MMO ever made has a better equipment system. It's like a step backwards for games not foreword, and you're DEFENDING it? A lot of my friends who play and like Destiny have never played a true MMO. Bungie says it's not an MMO just to stop people like me from comparing because there

Anyone who still plays this game simply for the "raids" really needs to find a new game to play. Those aren't raids, they're shit. I literally did VoG 5 times in a row and got NOTHING. Play FFXIV or DCUO. Both have more compelling raids and endgame. Destiny is a glorified money pit. They lied about the DLC, they lied

No no no... Think about it HARDER. Putting a cap means people have to play the game more. This game is like the fair. It's rigged to simultaneously give you nothing while also getting you hooked on nothing. It's a scam. IMO, it's the first of it's kind. Praying on the weak minded and young. They literally focused on

Quit playing this trap of a game. They make it like that do you KEEP PLAYING. I really don't see how it's hard to believe that, in a Capitalism, a company is trying to make more money than they deserve. This happens every day in every industry and STILL people are suprised. wtf? Been going on since 1913 and no one

Come January 11th, just make a new psn account and put region as China. Lol get all those games. I have American, European, AND Japanese accounts already! SO many games that aren't in America!

nice! Agreed!

10 bucks says his Grandfather flew a Zero in WWII. He's racist against Americans! I love Japanese people! Video games wouldn't be the same without them and their marvelous eccentric thinking. Please, say it ain't so Harada!

agreed but I played video games, football, AND joined the choir lol. Just because you join the football team doesn't mean you're "that" type of guy. Football have me confidence like video games never have, but by the same token, I would never have the problem solving skills and empathy I have now without video ganes.

Bravo, my friend. This is an amazing idea to any would-be gamerdad that has had the same nightmares in which his son will grow up as "one of THOSE kids". But I have to ask... Did you publish in Nature, ArXiv or just twitter??? The latter is NOT an accepted scientific journal or outlet lol.

wow way to spin my words. You'd make a great politician . Read the damn article before you make comments dude. Also, I thought you were Jason Schrier. The author of this post. My bad, you're just another denialist.

you serious? You're the journalist. This is old news dude.

Cool dude, please, have fun on there for me. I wish I could have SO bad. Just didn't do it for me I guess. Didn't mean to be a dick.

lol I play Ps4 and it would be whining if I still had the game and complained. Now, I'm trying to get others to see the error in their ways just as I did. I made a Huge mistake buying that game, and everyone else needs to realize we ALL made a mistake when we chose to believe it could really be a killer app. It's