
This kind of stuff has existed in the PC gaming community for decades now, you could basically almost never resell certain multiplayer games or buy "used" because the CD key would have been registered to an account thus locking you into buying only games you deemed valuable. It's also the kind of thing that pushed

lol the irony

theyre still good, don't be a trending troll

Ive played so many of their games but I never played Baldurs Gate 2 or the expansion. Icewind Dale 1+2, NWN 1+2 but never Baldurs though my friends swear its one of the longest RPGs out there. I may have to pick this up sometime in the future.

I was trying to explain this to my friends all weekend, I told them that Metro is a piss poor representation of the game to show to people if you're trying to edge them over MW3, in fact it makes it look like a clone to MW3 so the ignorant, they'll go with what they already know. Huge marketing fail imo.

the beta is quite a mess and while I can see the benefits of using the battle log feature, it's just not ready yet for a full release like this. I expect there to be a big patch on day 1.

pirates will not be going after this game, with online being the main feature, the single player is often an afterthought in the BF series (if there even is one)

nah I would say swap Peace Walker out and put in an HD remake of 1, if they tacked on Peace Walker to that then I would reasonably expect them to raise the price to say $60 then.

Solution, make a fake account with no games tied to it but the beta, play on the better, much likely more stable servers and hell maybe they'll get a working server with Caspian on it so you know, you can actually beta a game that's main feature is vehicle play and conquest.

this, I was so excited for this HD pack but then on closer reading found out its Peace Walker (still a good game) instead of MGS1.... :O. I mean if we're paying $50 for this thing, might as well include MGS1. I honestly just want an HD remake of 1 more than any other iteration of the game.

I think the funny part is when you open the link, the dude has not actually produced a single game yet but he's talking shit on Sony. Not only has he not made a game but the extent of his experience is in QA for numerous dev companies. Kotaku should be better than this :/, this is tabloid fodder.

youre friends are stupid if they bricked their PSPs with CFW, and Im not even talking from a piracy stand point. Its hard to mess something like that up when all you do is flash the memory.

gta 4 remains one of the most poorly optimized games on PC to this day, not only do you need a beastly system to run it but it still stutters like a mofo.

yea it sucks, seen so many great pre order deals for BF3 but because they don't ship to Canada, I can't take part in them either.

Way too many new releases in November, I don't get why the industry shoots itself in the foot like this. I looked at the releases from October to mid December and out of all the releases I'm interested in about a dozen games, I can't buy a dozen games in 3 months simply because I do not have the time to playing

This game makes me very nervous to commit and buy. I was excited a year ago but reading about more things and seeing actual beta play on various streams/youtube has made me feel like the game is once again not going to be the clear WoW killer that everyone seems desperate for now. It's looking like a single player


While I like some of Nirvana's songs, do they really deserve this kind of coverage? Grunge was a flash in the pan movement and the whole love they get seems to be some kind of 90s nostalgia trip. Pearl Jam, STP, Alice in Chains all released better albums.

gasp, how dare you question the money making strategies of enterprising companies? What are you, a communist? DLC like this has always been bs but people love to shovel that shit anyways.