
Honestly I was picking out the flaws the moment I saw the videos, they look about on par or even less than current gen consoles. Obviously these are early screens and there's prob room for improvement but I wasn't blown away by it like I hoped I would. Still this thing should be a marked improvement over the Wii

Price is on point and could potentially see myself getting this day 1 but wifi only, 3g on At&T? Hellz no

in quotations, the fact that she gets the video game reference and even proudly shows it means there won't be a misunderstanding about what "vidya games" are and how they're not just meant for children. I've had some past girlfriends call my hobby childish and it doesn't help build a relationship in the end :p

The whole baseline tennis that dominates the sport nowadays gets pretty dull to watch after a while. I miss the 90s tennis with so many serve and volleyers mixed with the baseline players.

I kinda like the E3s that surprise us with new content or new games that no one has heard of before that time. When too much is revealed before hand, I expect just a bunch of trailers.

If only I could find a girl as "cool" as this one day...

difference of opinion I guess, I don't find prison to be a wrong choice per se but I hope she gets some kind of mental help while she's in there. If she was so detached from the world then sitting her in a cell with nothing to do doesn't do anything. Realizing the scope of her mistake and having her feel some kind of

I always stop playing when someone else needs something in the house, my world doesn't begin or end at the computer screen. I don't feel 25 years in prison is right, send the lady to a hospital and get her better. It's like wasting two lives now.

I think too little was known about how the game played out in the coming months/weeks of the games release that most people defaulted to the "GTA set in the 1940s" mentality. I know I did until I actually tried it at a friend's house. Boy was it not the game I expected it to be.

Ill be waiting regardless of what the initial price is, I don't like buying first model electronics and let them flesh out what went wrong with model 1 & 2. I didnt get a PSP until the PSP 3000 model because I wanted them to improve on it. I knew the 3DS wouldnt be a huge hit because of the poor launch titles. Friend

expensive for those who run them, the amount of player run dedicated servers always vastly outnumbers the amount of developer sponsored servers. Maybe in the beginning the developer takes the cost but later as the game grows, players take on that cost. The lost revenue from each potential sale due to lack of dedicated

If they dont put in dedicated servers at the very least its going to take another hit on PC. I mean they probably don't even care about the PC to begin with if they cut out some fundamentals like that.

Yea I'd suggest contacting EA or posting on their official forums because there's no reason why you shouldn't be getting a ton of servers even with a bunch of filters turned on. I filter things out like full/empty servers and password protected servers and still get a about 200-300 for conquest mode.

More of them should break through those social barriers and talk about would be taboo subjects so that people stop building them up. These people are human beings, not dolls to be told what to do.

Despite not owning a 360 anymore (overheated) I always look forward to what they'll announce. It keeps Sony on their toes and forces them to adapt and vice versa.