
Really? The hipsters of video gaming? It's kind of ridiculous to have something like that associated with my platform of choice just because PC gamers "did it first". I'm down with mainstream games but the reason I would prefer a PC game to a console game is the customization and control over said content to almost

Fucking A... this guy was one of my all time favorite wrestlers. His promos were top notch and his catchphrases still funny. I got to meet the guy several years ago at an event and he was one of the most down to earth people I've ever met. I gasped out loud when I saw it on TV in the gym and almost shed a tear. RIP

Well at first I thought they can give him a chance to change the name but then read 34 name changes? I would ban him for being a little shit too, not because of the actual name. There has to come a point where you just realize immature actions have consequences.

I won't lie, I laughed.

The Arnold story is such a non-story, the dude has always been womanizing like there was no tomorrow. I'd be shocked if there was like a half dozen kids but just 1 seems par for the course. You look at his late 70s, early 80s interviews and the dude talks about sex in about every other interview. Get some Arnie.

Wow, I looked at some of the comments and the amount of douchebaggery and immaturity is even astounding to read for someone who uses the internet on a daily basis. I don't understand why someones sex, race or sexual orientation should have anything to do with the way they review games. If you want to critique said

Its like watching any other event with human beings facing off. Competition is something I enjoy watching because of the stakes, one team with glory and the other vanquished to shame....ok it's not that dramatic but it's fun to see people pull off maneuvers in SC2 that I would never think of, I'm terrible at the game.

That list of 10 best comic book games shows just how crappy comic games can be, the large majority of them were awful games and I could probably think of better comic book games out there.