
I dont think Ill be picking this one first thing. Honestly been disappointed how RDR and GTA4 looked on the PS3 and having bought and played gta 4 and dlc ($10 no less) on PC, having it maxed and looking way cleaner, I'll be waiting this one out like I used to wait out the old GTA games. DLC is inevitable so I'll be

I still think the SC community is one of the best gaming communities in the world, mostly free from the typical douchebaggery of FPS gaming, the people Ive met as well as people I know that play SC 1 and 2 are just great.

Dont trust any networks, you mean like don't trust Gawker with passwords? /troll

I thought this was coming out 11.11.11, what game is it if not Mass Effect 3? February-March is the new Christmas season and these game developers are having a hard time learning that you should be spacing your games out and not launching with 5 competitors on the same weekend.

/facepalm, cmon Nintendo... step it up and put something advanced out there and demonstrate that you guys still have what it takes to be leaders in the video game industry and not just be comfortable to release mediocre products.

Wow not even close to the best. I'm not going to go off on some vitriol filled tirade about the misgivings or failures of the Wii but putting it above the NES and SNES is wrong. Nintendo rode off on its established IPs more this generation than it ever has in the past whereas past systems introduced new IPs that sold

Hmm I dunno Nintendo, maybe if you stepped up to the plate for once and tried to make a graphically enhanced game then failed or succeeded, people would lay off Nintendo. As mentioned in the article, lots of Japanese made games with realistic graphics were big hits. MGS 4 has some of the most gorgeous cutscenes as

A little message when I log into my account saying "Sorry for the down time, we hope you forgive us and continue to enjoy our product." That's about all I expect from them once this fiasco is over and done with. I don't expect them to give me anything beyond that.