
Been working on the PC version of Episodes from liberty city, I could've got them for console 1-2 years ago but honestly I got tired of the fuziness that plagues the console GTA games and opted for getting that complete edition on Steam once it finally went on sale. The games themselves aren't optimized very well but

Yea...not Matt Damon who really kicked ass in the movies. I remember when I went to see it and didn't really have high hopes for the Bourne Identity and then my socks were promptly rocked. I won't write Renner off but I'll wait and see.

I envy the money she is about dive into, being scrutinized in the media...not so much.

I'd rather have a meaningful and satisfying relationship with someone for the rest of my life than having a bunch of kids and then always working like crazy to make sure everyone is satisfied. At the end of the day a little selfishness comes into play but maybe in the future.

First time I heard the song on the radio I thought of Express Yourself, girl can deny it all she wants but she's had like 3 hits on the radio so far that all sounded or had lyrics harking back to Madonna.

She's not into the mainstream perception of what girls like? Female hipster in the making, calling it now. /troll

Ha I borrowed my dads jacket and got my own dress pants for $30, there was no way I was blowing money on graduating effing high school. The party was awesome but I felt bad for the girls in ridiculous multi hundred dollar dresses. I never planned that to be my highlight party of my life so I knew it was a waste to

They shouldve done it, for the people who were the first in space, they could've had another: First Banging in space

Single player I play through a game once, no cheats, on subsequent play throughs I will use them if they're fun. I never really use stuff like invincibility because it takes away all the challenge and usually gets boring quick. Ive never cheated online and never will.

Annnd yet another example of why online DRM is shit, Ive had more trouble with this kind of DRM than I ever did with SecuRom

I swear the middle one is only a half sister, she looks nothing like the other 2 or the brother they have. Me thinks Mommy Kardashian was messing around.

I was able to graduate at 16 but decided to run the course of high school but honestly it didn't do me much good. I ended up having so little to take since I had completed all the core course work that I became so lax that I would arrive at school and just not attend any classes, choosing to instead spend time with

Shit if I was still in high school or even first year uni then I would consider doing something like this part time but these positions don't pay that well and with how people are scrounging for jobs now, Im sure they'll get plenty applicants.

I don't get why people do the movie comparison thing. You're overpaying for movies. You find your time is better spent paying pennies per hour for fun. You're comparing two industries without including others like TV where your value is better spent. $60 a month for cable or w/e it is (I dont have it) then for 2

I had a couple of these before the gameboy, honestly I hated them, I mustve had some terrible games because I just remember not knowing wtf is going on. Gameboy saved my life.

theyve all been ok until that last pic, way way out of proportion. Im guessing she squats out 1000lbs for 10.

There have been many times where I've gone and sought the alternative means of cracking games to get past the hoops of playing my legitimately bought games. I dont have access to broadband cable internet so I don't always have 100% connectivity and theres been times where I was playing AC2 and had it shut off because

whatever, at this point these become non stories for me. Yes the tragedy of people being killed is terrible but the media blame on video games gets an eye roll and channel switch these days from me.