
Can't believe she's idolized by so many.

Napoleon Total War, BC2 and if I can get my damn hands on it, Dragon Age Origins Ultimate edition. For some reason every store in like a 200 mile radius is sold out and has it a ludicrous price so I'm waiting.

I hope I enjoy the changes, the combat system irked me in DA 1. Faster paced might be just fine.

Of course its fucking fabricated, watch two episodes of this show and you can tell it's more scripted than any other "reality" program out there.

lol I was trying to be ironic with my original post. I feel the exact same way as yourself. Shitty console ports is where my entitlement factor skyrockets.

Gross, sometimes I lose faith in humanity when I read crazy,stupid shit like this.

I played it and the expansion and enjoyed it for what it was. It definitely felt like a departure for the series but then again AoE was a stale RTS model by that point.

Good thing my parents helped me buy my house years ago at which point I stuck a nice family of renter in there and they've been paying off my mortgage + a little extra.