
I can't really tell if she's apologetic or what she's trying to really say in this article but the bottom line is if she likes Latino men then there should be zero judgment against her for that decision. She doesn't have to adjust her dating preferences because society says that its the racially fair thing to do. I've

Love the dude calling Beyonce's fragrance "the biggest fragrance event ever"

Like RDR but don't love it. The online can be quite fun but also quite ridiculous at times. The single player while it starts out really interesting and immerssive quickly loses its shine when you have to start doing absolutely inane tasks to get on with the game. I feel like a good chunk of the mission givers were

One thing I learned about basements is don't store electronics in them! We had a flood years ago and though it wasn't nearly as bad as the one in Australia, the entire basement was F'd and along with it ALL of my console systems.

BC2 gives its maps out for least on PC

Id rather see how these studies apply to people in college that game too much. Grades in middle school and high school are easy enough to get when you're not a complete moron. Meaning you can spend the majority of your time doing whatever outside of school and still do well.

Solution: Go back to playing games pre-achievements, do fun things for the sake of fun and don't make gaming a chore. It's the same reason I haven't platinum'd a single game in my 20+ game library for ps3.

Maybe they'll learn from their mistakes and make the combat better. X-2 really tried something new for the series despite the fact that X had one of the best combat systems out of any of the 3D FFs.

You are false ! Steve Carrell's big break was 40 year old virgin AND NBC renewed The Office for a 2nd season mostly because of Carrell's sudden stardom. But the end of the joke was funny.

I can't believe this movie actually won anything. Every single other movie nominated was a better choice than Social Network. I was sure it would be King's Speech if not The Fighter.

Like most gamers, I dont give a shit about trophies/achievement points. I have run into people who would not friend me because they said my trophy score wasn't high enough.