
so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare.

Holy shit you really don’t know how electoral maps work do you?

Looks like she started the Seig Heil, then somebody in her earpiece monitor said “GODDAMNIT LAURA BEND YOUR ELBOW, NOW IS NOT THE TIME”.


Now that’s a textbook “Seig Heil!”

Progress. Qandeel’s death brought change that will hopefully save many from facing similar situations. Hopefully.

Right. This is a big step, but laws need to be enforced, and that means convincing local authorities to enforce them. I think that’s going to be a long process.

Both of these people are clearly batshit insane. Someone sent me a PDF of his book and it’s just funny for the way he puts a lot of people in NY media on blast.

Or maybe she’s played way more than you and has a bigger experience pool to judge from?

Thank god, because Pokemon Go so needs more apologists.

Well it is a very simple game in terms of how you can actually play it so even breaking “small” parts of it significantly reduce functionality, hence the perception of terrible launch is not unreasonable.

Ask Dark Souls 3 players stacking poise.

If a feature no one knows how to use breaks, is it really broken?

Let’s also not forget that he didn’t see a single second of combat. “They come back different”, like he was on the front lines or remotely in danger. Naw, he’s just a Palin dickhead who, like his mother, refuses to own his shit.

Let’s not forget that his military stint was, itself, a plea bargain.

He also turned away millions of federal dollars to fund a high speed rail from Madison to Milwaukee. His Lt. Gov, Rebecca Kleefisch responded by saying, “Why do I need a high speed rail? I have a mini van”. Never been happier to see the state of Wisconsin getting smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror.

Sports content: He was enough of an idiot to push and approve $250 million in public funding for a Bucks stadium (while wanting to cut $300 million from the UW system budget).

You should issue an apology for that shit comment.