
It royally fucked her up. She’s so desperate for my grandmother’s approval and love that she’ll sacrifice any and everything if she thinks it will help get what she wants, myself included.

My grandmother had a fucked up past: she got raped when she was 14, had a baby at 15, sent her away to be raised by family then

Apologies; we’ve been getting bombarded with stupid people on here.

I’ve talked about this before but I was raised by a mother who struggled with colorism (and many other things.) I obviously didn’t know what was happening until I moved away, cut off contact and started taking Black Studies classes but being raised with that fucked me up so much. We lived, worked and went to church

It did sound like they were addressing Damon but perhaps not?

try to understand what someone has been through

Well this was in Missouri 😑

Stop it.

I remember telling this story a while back a few Asian people told me that the same thing happens with them. This one woman (American but of Japanese decent) married a white guy and had a child and was out at the park with her toddler one day. She said that an old, white lady sat down and asked her if the baby’s

That’s a new one. How often does it happen?

Fuck those people.

I’m actually going to quit because I have work to do but he started posting old slave pictures because...I’m not sure. I told y’all he’s bad at this and this proves it. I’m not sure what he thinking; those pictures don’t seem trigger me. I’ve seen most of them in history books.

Anyhow, this dude is an angry piece of


I’m confused. Do you think this is triggering? That I’m crying over this? Are you for real? Hahaha! God, you are totally bad at this. 

Last time I checked, you’re the one arguing. You’re racist, thus I’m not arguing with you. I’m telling you to stay mad. I’m sorry you can’t see the difference. Try being less angry (actually don’t, I like you mad because it increases health problems.)
Stay Mad little whiny, racist bitch XOXO