
They played dodgeball with that shit.

Nope but it would be beneficial for them if they did address it. I wasn’t to keen on this crossover but they seem to have abandoned it and I’m curious to why they did.

We should talk about this, like did The Root people ask the Jez people about all the claims by WoC and PoC concerning Jezebel silencing their voices? How about an Q&A or AMA with the Jez staff about why they did that shit? How about a question to the Jez’s staff about what they expected with this crossover? What was

Busy as hell and a bit stressed. I’m in my first semester of grad school and I’m so behind on my reading. Like I have to read three books by April.

Other than that, good, just hectic.

I stumbled onto your post about your troll a while back. How are things now?

And there’s the rub: he’s getting rich so why should he care?

What’s this about paying back what now?

God forbid the dark-skinned, professional Black woman be a well-rounded and happy with her life. Nope, she’s not complete without her light Knight rescuing her after she’s hit rock bottom and been publicly humiliated.

If you watch some ol skool Looney Tunes you realize how racist as fuck it was (and we all watched it. Crazy, huh?) 

Can you imagine the movement and inspiration Perry could have caused if he was just as pro-black woman as he was with his own demographic? He has so much influence and resources and money that he could have done so much with it.

Are you asking me if Tyler Perry has become self-aware and realized his deep hatred of Black women is rooted in colorism that has plagued our community since the colonizers took us? No, I don’t. He did an interview a few years back that showed he had no clue.

We briefly discussed the four stereotypes of black women in media and film and how Tyler Perry is the worst offender. Will you be talking more about the stereotypes? I think this would be beneficial for so many.

I’m now in a place in my life where I have a bit more free time to help work on this. I’ve actually done two small projects on colorism.

Perry’s movies also help perpetuate the four stereotypes of black women (which can and do overlap):

Edit: Wow, none of my pictures showed up so I’m doing this again. Standby

I am fucking dead over this comment.

Naw, there’s plenty of women that would buy a 50 Shades vibrator. The name alone would do that.

I just want to reiterate how much I love TheRootAfterDark.

Look at this, kindness on the internet😊. Thank you, friend! It’s been frustrating but I know it will be worth it one day.