
Trump has shown himself over and over. He’s not an actor - he’s a blatant sociopath and bully. I have no idea why people think he used a “liar” persona and “bigot” persona to get ahead. This is who he is, how he became rich, and half of the nation doesn’t seem to mind.

I have an 84 year old Jewish Grandmother who lived through WW2, went and got her Master’s degree, worked on both of Adlai Stevenson’s campaigns and managed to raise three pretty solid kids including my awesome Dad.

I have hope about many things, Donaldl Trump being a thoughtful leader of a very divided country is not one of them.

Yes. This is the bargaining stage. You called it. Trump’s gotta’ Trump. There will be no pivot. Hasn’t been. Won’t be.

I have no doubt Trump was bullshitting the base. The problem is Pence, Ryan and the rest of the Republican elite. The nightmare isn’t Trump, it’s that they now have free reign.

We’re not done with her yet? She’s still a Republican strategist who helped create this mess. But we like her because she came out against Trump?

I have heard quite a few people express the hope today that trump will become less abhorrent after the inauguration and he was just putting on an act to get elected. Is this bargaining stage of the five stages of grief?

I’m ready for Dems in congress to just go full Tea Party. No attempts at governing, just obstruct whatever the opposing party is trying to do and hope you get rewarded come midterms because they’re in charge now and then everything can be blamed on the GOP. Why not?

It’s women, too. It is the scary amount of women who voted for Trump. It’s America. It’s racism against the uppity non-whites and their allies and sexism, both outward and internalized.

I’ve got bloody Marys and mimosas . Who wants one or five ?

Now that’s a train I’d rather be pushed in front of.

Where do I sign up to be pushed onto the Subway tracks?

As I’m comforting my Muslim spouse as she sobs about what this means for her, I don’t have time for nausea. I just want her to be okay. I want to live in a place where an interfaith lesbian couple with disabilities aren’t seen as the enemy. I’m tired of our lives hanging in the balance every goddamn election because

I am literally sick to my stomach. No matter,NO MATTER your views on Clinton, there is NO REASON! that a piece of fucking garbage like Trump should be president. He is concerned with one thing, making Donald Trump better.He dosen’t give a fuck about his little cult, and he dosen’t give a fuck about this country. I

Six years. He’s on a six year term as Senator.

When this motherfucker has the best take of the bunch, you know they fucked up.

Those dudes all expect participation ribbons at the very least.

Understood, but I suspect it was an older man who’s fatherly instincts kicked in when he saw the woman chained up in a cage and just said what was in his mind. Not saying it’s right OR wrong, just saying, I can sort of understand his point as well as your annoyance.

Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.