
Five kids under seven? Am I te only one reminded of Andrea Yates?

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

I was preoccupied with grooming for many years, then life got too hectic and I went natural. I got a full wax a few months ago in anticipation of a romantic trip and discovered I hate waxing. My outer ladyparts felt numb and a couple of days later my skin got irritated. I'm now on team crew cut for life.

I’ll address this, if only to shut the duplicates up. Because really? You want to sit here and deny that female pubic hair is something no one ever hates on? You’ve never heard people call it gross or unhygienic? Did you read the article you’re commenting on?

The first time I saw a man without pubic hair I laughed involuntarily for about 5 minutes. Not my thing

When I was pregnant, I could not believe how many women on pregnancy boards were stressed about their ability to groom their pubes before Ob/Gyn appointments. I found it so upsetting that amidst all of the joys/pains of pregnancy that would even register as a “concern”.

But that is how kids look! Your partners grew up in a society that fetishizes young girls bodies and praises grown women to the degree they are able to replicate them. Your partners aren’t child molesters and there’s nothing morally wrong for any given person to go hairless if that's their preference, but it’s a

Thank fucking god my husband doesn’t care, I would have a hard time not laughing while defending my flourishing pubes as a feminist statement.

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”

I wouldn’t be totally shocked if her parents were the ones who put this in her head. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed that their legacy didn’t hold enough sway with the Admissions Office to get her in so “blame the coloreds” and don’t let her think she didn’t get in because their alumnus checks weren’t big enough.

IT is unutterably sad to me that her parents did not sit her down and make her realize that she did not get in to the college of her choice because she did not earn it. Bottom line. These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far. Granted, it will get you

I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before:

This x 1 million. I am so susceptible to cover art. I try to be sensible, but I end up passing books by because of their pastel, saccharine covers.

This is insulting to her journalistic integrity and how much risk she took, but not surprising. I have noticed that a lot of books authored by women are marketed to fail. A few years ago, I decided to make an effort to read more female authors (and have read some amazing books as a result), but I can't get past the

I think she may have been a lot more accurate than most foreign writers over there

I read this book. I thought few books captured how censored and boxed in foreign workers are in North Korea in terms of witnessing everyday life. They try to see life through these tiny cracks; she even talks about the malaise. I think she may have been a lot more accurate than most foreign writers over there— I think

Enochs denied the rape charges but, in a plea deal, admitted guilt to battery with moderate bodily injury — a misdemeanor, rather than a felony. In return, both rape charges were dismissed.

So let me get this straight, the UK is about to leave the EU, the PM is about to resign, and the world economy is about to go on a tailspin... all because more than half the UK thought this was make believe? How do you think your vote doesnt count? Isn’t that the point of a democratic system? That your vote counts?