
I was a Chi O. We weren’t allowed to have men upstairs at all, except for half an hour before a social event, supposedly because of Ted Bundy.

If nothing else, they track that they received your mail in ballot to keep you from voting twice.

Pumpkin patches are cons. Go buy some giant ones at Costco for $7 a pop, and take the approximately $700 you saved and do literally anything else with your kid.

Generally speaking, Medicaid doesn’t cover abortions, right? So whose records are they getting? Rape victims and women with terrible health problems?

I think you mean idiot people. I’ve known my share of liberal Texans, and they have all been truly lovely, passionate activists, but politicians aren’t summoned from the ether like Bloody Mary or the Candyman.

I think a lot of these people are pissed at how impossible it’s become to adopt a healthy, white infant in a closed adoption. It’s my understanding that the state is also much more reticent to sever parental rights quickly outside the worst cases of child abuse.

If it wasn’t covered, that would just be one more reason only rich people run for federal office.

I disagree. The position he’s in now is exactly as demanding as he decides it will be. If he wants to headline someone’s fundraiser or gives a speech to a group of friendly lunatics, that’s his call. As Speaker, he has to be on the road fundraising and campaigning all the time, but he doesn’t want to and is using his

Lead causes brain damage in high doses, but lesser doses are still bad for you and have a cumulative effect, especially in young children. My pediatrician tested my kid’s blood for lead as part of their standard well baby check up at one point because if there is exposure over a certain point, it’s a really big deal

At least they made the random noun the middle name. I have stronger feelings about them giving the kid a nickname version of a name as a first name.

Probably still less than they could manage off his likely long recovery if he were willing to stay involved to get his bills covered.

One of my aunts had a long ambition to be the person handing out extra large candy bars. Unfortunately, she doesn’t get as many trick or treaters these days since her neighborhood is aging. We all get huge candy bars for Christmas now.

When I lived in San Diego (the flea capital of the US according to the pet store guy), I had to switch brands of flea control and apply it every three weeks instead of every four to solve the flea problem for my cats.

It’s been a while, but DC’s mass transit is not horrible, right? So why not discourage people from driving in the most congested areas?

Even so, most band parents would take money from Satan himself if it got them out of slaving over funnel cakes or whatever their fundraiser of choice was for a year or two.

What do you want to bet they took money from Coke or Pepsi to build sports facilities in exchange for vending machines back when that was a thing?

I’m 5’4” and the height of my counters doesn’t bother me. If they were that much lower, I think I would feel hunched over. The stupid, backwards ass, infuriating way the rest of the kitchen is designed might be distracting me though.

I remember the fireplace lady saying in an interview that the way they covered the fireplace and ran electrical also turned out to be a terrible fire hazard.

Apparently the kid’s mom died last year. I wonder if there is some sort of animosity between the dad and this woman that the mom was smoothing over.

Could be the crappy not seafood stuff was all straight out of the freezer.