Disappointed Cool Cat

Part of the problem with the Grammies is the fact that nobody really markets new mainstream music to adults anymore and that's why stuck between metal bands that released their best material more than 30 years ago, and tripe aimed at 14 year-olds. You don't have this problem with TV shows and movies because those

Why? Some Kind of Monster was simply Metallica milking the reality TV craze.

Sounds a bit like one of Frasier's dinner parties.

Yup, a little different, but still very much the same.

Which hard-rock developments exactly?

Probably saw them in the same bar.

Oh, we could never come to consensus that we all like and dislike different kinds of music. Had a guy yell at me last week that I needed to own the fact that I like something… like duh.

A sub-genre of rock music that eschews the hard-rock developments of the 70s, and high-gloss of the 80s in favour for the more rustic influences of Pet Sounds, electric Bob Dylan, the Byrds, with a bit of the DIY punk ethos built in.

If anything it's been fairly streamlined since the mid-2000's.

As if indie rock couldn't get more overstated.

beep beep beep, Boop!

Oh… I thought you were going to say that school voucher programs were just a way of defunding public schools.

Charter Schools just seem like the answer to "what if public schools were just more inefficient"

Yes, but this article is less about the tweet and more about how people are reacting to Betsy DeVos.

It's laughter with a stinging-pain-in-the-gut chaser.

It's kind of funny that all those real American snowflakes will have to deny that this was a bad video, let alone a bad propaganda video. .

Can't be a real American without being offended by everything. Snowflake.

Don Cherry

It's seems to be more of an American metal thing which is more masculine, adolescent, and blue collar. It's anti-authority, but the authority tends to be intellectualism and things your parents or teacher would tell you not to do. When really repelled me about metal culture was how tribal and conservative their

Metallica reinvented themselves as a stadium band when they released the Black Album. Since then they've pretty much coasted on their celebrity and certainly haven't been afraid to indulge in it.