Andrew Thomas Clifton

what kills me is they hid his name. Like seriously. had it been a black man doing ANYTHING They are literally RACING to share the name and picture to the news


Why does he look skinny here though?

I was LITERALLY GONNA post this, lol

Thats not what I meant and you know it. but keep on that track of thinking #thumbsup

agreed. with my whole heart


so its like... wonderful how my faceorite series of all time is still Racist as shit. cant make her the captain of the FREEDOM or USS I LOVE AMERICA huh?

If billy turns out to be the man in black this would be the best TV show in history because before this article i really had NO idea about the two timelines either. I work in production work and I literally find it impossible to turn my brain off usually when watching shows and movies but this show literally moves me

stargate universe remains one of the best shows in television history.

slippy was an idiot.

John Ottmans Superman Returns soundtrack is equally as awesome :)

Heres hoping the rest of this phase of Marvel movies feels like this song. Id totally go for some #cough All-New All Different feelings from their movies right about now

Or better yet he trips while running through a crowd. Or simply disappears from a chasing group by standing in a group of monks. or attempts to counter a sword slash and then...

this is the only response ever allowed

Where can I purchase it digitally? I cant seem to find a link anywhere


THis looks like they finally came to their senses instead of just wandering the cosmos and adding stuff for the sake of adding it.

when I read this Wednesday I was thinking to myself how this was one of the BEST Comics to come out of DC in years. Its like throwing the entire Bat Mythos on its head and introducing an entirely new idea #theroadtrip

I was wondering about that myself...