Racism disguised as feminism is a very interesting concept
Racism disguised as feminism is a very interesting concept
I mean... looking at culture... I see this shit all the time
That would depend entirely on what kind of gamer that you are. the world of Destiny, I have found, is way more fun than either of the other two #kanyeshrug
That would depend entirely on what kind of gamer that you are. the world of Destiny, I have found, is way more fun…
wamp. swagger wagon meals is their next book and shit.
that is a REALLY small hole though... will they have ones of all sizes?
We should want Paula to take Robin back. we should believe that a man who is highly successful (I'm not a fan) and willing to dedicate an ENTIRE Album to getting his estranged wife back must have some level of sincerity. So he fucked up, a lot. that doesn't mean he cant get better and cant truly want his love to be…
As a black man I personally always hated Vixen, way too fucking cliche on so many levels. Barda would be a great fit for this universe and a good tie in for AFTER they fight Darkseid
a supposedly non-tech writer is quoting loading times and attempting to understand how quiet his xbox is? and is literally naming everything about a PRE RELASE xbox one instead of just... you know, playing it?
its certainly hitting the right notes in my opinion because when you look at the drawings of the people you RESPOND instantly one way or the other. what you personally believe after that is completely up to you :)
the nacelles in the crashing ship and the rising ship have different ends comepletely, the rising ship has the "wings" from the new enterprises design and the crashing ship has almost a Nova Class (Voyager) design.
First of all, YAY. that sounds really awesome!!! this thing could totally change the world and shit
Sam, as much as I have loved you here at Gizmodo this article spent a good portion feeling like it was an ad for Apple. I'm not a troll or any other kind of a person seeking to simply make a name for myself and the like but... c'mon man. even when you mentioned the negatives of the phone (some of which you did not…
and this is why I'll never even remotely consider Verizon Wireless as a carrier, even with the best LTE in the country... some things I know but just don't want to hear
a deserved punishment for using a dated OS and following the masses, is it not?
but the real question is why not just call it the Iphone SuperBonzaiPowerDeviceofDoom?
you dont use messages in mountain lion? I've found myself using Imessage a whole lot less when I can jut do it from my computer
what he needs to do is go on Conan O'Brien. #winning