Andrew Thomas Clifton


since it’s “the Black series” will I get one for free for being both a huge star wars fan and african-american? #yoink

This remains one of the greatest and most ridiculous of all Panel Sets that marvel ever did #franklinrichardsisyourdaddy

yeah, it’s $1000 bucks for a camera that you can “build in” yourself. I am always leery about buying anything from anyone with such bad grammar... maybe its only me

because Push was ahead of its time completely. its literally the type of movie that all movies want to be now

definitely Jeremy Irons voice


Captain Atom? G.I. Zombie? Silver Surfer?

it is finally time for...

double Yowsa, I say!

That would depend entirely on what kind of gamer that you are. the world of Destiny, I have found, is way more fun than either of the other two #kanyeshrug

That would depend entirely on what kind of gamer that you are. the world of Destiny, I have found, is way more fun

no offense to Chadwick Boseman but I am 0% excited about the news that he will play Black Panther. with literally thousands of talented and wonderful African actors on this planet they had to get an african american?

"everytime I close my eyes i see her" man Avery Brooks gave a powerful performance here

also that cover totally begins the idea of a civil war brewing with iron man on one side, cap on another and EVIL in the middle

so heres the kicker, because I've been in California for the past 14 days visiting and for a state in a serious drought people are still washing their cars, and cranking up water shows in malls and leaving hoses outside for people to just randomly use at night... its rather interesting how these people deal with a

wamp. swagger wagon meals is their next book and shit.

Daredevil. for two reasons

Finally a Black Astronaut in a movie. I wonder how proud Mae C. Jemison is right now? :)

"Everybody wearing 20 pouches each"