Andrew Thomas Clifton

ULTIMATE Spider-Man starring Donald Glover

yeah... the Spectacular Spider-Man has a much BETTER ring to it. make it so, young jedi

first thing that came to mind. either that or

I think you should clarify that "some" photographers in "some" genres of photography see things this way. I have a hard enough time explaining to possible clients that not everyon sees things that way let alone trying to explain to the world that some of us actually like the raw look on people because they are

It only takes two #sith

Name: Solaris

and you think that thin, non continuous armor is going to stop...anything? im sure it wouldn't even stop a .50 caliber round

why does Wolverine need body armor again?

I'm shocked that any of you actually like these pictures. when compared to ANYTHING I've seen this site show these are the LEAST INSPIRING that I could have possibly imagined for a Zero G shoot

I also have to disagree with it being awesome. It shows glimmers of awesome but those fade quickly whenever the star (or his wife) is actually asked to act. Its like the writers of the original said in an interview I read on SHH, the original is more "Frankenstein" and this reboot is "Doctor Frankenstein" but in that

And what makes you really mad at JJ, even though I literally loved the first one. He managed to not incorporate the idea of a good space fight into the second movie. Instead we have a starship captain who apparently has no idea how to conduct his ship in a fight... He just gets the shit kicked out of him for the

And yet... I fear it is giving me the whole Star Trek Into. Darkness "oh everything's going to get really bad... In pg-13 style!"

a supposedly non-tech writer is quoting loading times and attempting to understand how quiet his xbox is? and is literally naming everything about a PRE RELASE xbox one instead of just... you know, playing it?

they watch trends enough to understand how to make money. surprising for a multi- billion dollar company

its certainly hitting the right notes in my opinion because when you look at the drawings of the people you RESPOND instantly one way or the other. what you personally believe after that is completely up to you :)

of all the movies they've done, this looks to easily be the worst... which is a shame because Flashpoint was VERY good considering the major changes they made from the source material.

I think, in the hand, that the 5C feels better than the 5S. its a much softer feel to the plastic, but then that makes it feel more than an android phone than an apple phone...which coupled with the Android/Windows Phone mashup that is iOS7 can NOT be a a good thing at all.

Ive always said that Section 31 is the best way for Star Trek to make its mark in the current climate of Television. You cant afford to bring the movie crew to TV and you also don't want to water down those idea until they hit the screen but a show filled with deep space espionage and dark starships and secret

The Stargate Universe ending still pisses me off. Eli gets treated like the Worf of the Stargate "universe", as it were

The Stargate Universe ending still pisses me off. Eli gets treated like the Worf of the Stargate "universe", as it were