Yeah but if the market rejected it those that don’t preorder wouldn’t be screwed out of the most important faction in warhammer lore.
Yeah but if the market rejected it those that don’t preorder wouldn’t be screwed out of the most important faction in warhammer lore.
What Institute? That hole in the ground? If the Institute wins the plants die. Brotherhood all the way.
“I think the problem with the Halo games currently is the lore is so far up it’s own ass it can’t find it’s way out. None of it makes sense anymore without having the dig into all this spin off content.”
GM is Chinese. Chrysler is Italian. Only ford remains American
It will auto scrap stuff you have stored in the workshop when its needed for materials.
Well it helps when the other side is not using policy to determine how the war should be fought. Like some of our more recent conflicts.
They have had them in Fairbanks for years. fully cold tested.
I doesnt really matter any army worth a shit has thermals. You can see a fart with thermals in the Arctic. This thing stands out.
Skijourning! Ski-journ! Fucking miserable day. The truds in the SUSVEE will be the ones to set the Akiho up.
Cant travel over ice pack in skidoos. The friction, I know its ice, is to high and will melt the belt. Those belts only stay cool in powder.
Well that was the idea Boeing originally had for the 15SE. Keep getting 22s as your supreme air superiority fighter while fielding a proven platform at both air and ground fighting with forward facing stealth. This would have completely cut out the 35’s R&D costs, this is why the funded the SE research in house after…
Fuck fast movers dropping bombs. They have a 50% extra chance of fratricide.
There is a photo somewhere of an A-10 repping 4 of them. I don’t think it could fly like that but it looked scary as hell.
You deserve to die to the sound of a GAU-30.
And when they walk away from the conflict with a data profile on the 22s stealth. Then what we blew 122m on a bird that our most effective enemy can now target? Then what? No the entire reason Russia has been mobilizing to Syria is a well planned response to our announcement that the 22s are there. This is an…
They want us to try and do that so they can get data on the stealth capabilities of the F-22. Most likely they will fly around with pods on to keep that from happening.
Haha so you would give up your freedom to be secure? Well don’t assume others are going to be willing to go along with your plan. The government is all for what you just said because that would give them more power to abuse.
6 inch spread at 50 meters the the standard real world standard. Games never do shotguns justice because they force the battle to play out in a ridiculously tiny battlespace. So they have to nurf the shit out of the weapon system that shines in close combat. They do it to MGs too. They should kill easier than a…
Agreed no amount of armor can protect the body from the energy transfer of a shotgun blast. Buck shot or slug. I got hit with a bean bag in the Stan and even thru the plate I had two bruised, possibly broken: no doctor checks, ribs.
Short of a revolution, nobody is going to be able to change the fact that courts have to consider corporations as people.