Thats the ACIP radio it is a solid radio but its too heavy for long movements and the batteries are 8 lbs a piece for 12 hours run time. Great backup leave it in your truck.
Thats the ACIP radio it is a solid radio but its too heavy for long movements and the batteries are 8 lbs a piece for 12 hours run time. Great backup leave it in your truck.
Yeah but TAC3s are only rated to 1 7.62mm API Impact. Where as the 'cheaper' heaver ESAPI can take two 7.62mm API before plate fragmentation. We really use it because its cheaper. There is a new plate out that can take up 5 7.62mm and weights very little but is really expensive.
Kevlar inserts front and back 10 lbs. Add ESAPI Plates at 12 - 25 lbs (small - XL) a piece. Side plates at 8 lbs a piece. DAPS shoulder Kevlar at 2 lbs. Neck and collar at 2 lbs. Groin and butt at 4 lbs. Standard load out 210 rounds 3.5lbs per mag 7 mags. 1 smoke 2lbs. Two frags 2 lbs a piece. 12 40mm HEPD 2lbs a…
have you ever been tazed by a serv pack. its not you 1 sec 50000volt tazer. Its a 100000 volt 5 sec pulse and the beauty of it for officers is if they are still closing the distance they just have to squeeze the trigger again for another 5 sec pulse.
Yeah not so much most people just look at the barrel really hard when a gun is in there face. There have been handgun hold-ups where the victim has been tripping out on the gun so long they remembered the serial number over the face of the attacker
The good ole PLF. I managed to do a three point landing on a jump that went to shit. Dick stole my air and I hit the ground in a three point. The PLF is for mass drop airborne landings. Its designed for the round chute witch can twist you on landing and the fact that you jump with up to 250 lbs strapped to you. Only…
Dude you do know that the SII outsold the 4 and 4S combined.... No chance the SIII is losing to the iphone.
The belly of Israeli planes is a very light brown to match the haze seen in middle Eastern sky.
Camouflage is best when is designed in a way that directly affects the visibility in a certain situation. American and most Western fighters are gray/blue because we expect to engage airborne enemies out at sea before they cross into our airspace. The Israelis wont have that much time so it serves them better to have…
I disagree there is no limit to the hoard's numbers, but there is for you shoulder muscles. There is no choice weapons for zombies thats what makes them the ultimate enemy.