
*punches, steals lunch money*

Good luck beating Goliath with that attitude.

Good luck beating Goliath with that attitude.

Party Down is important to me because it gave me a goal in life: to not be Roman.

Party Down is important to me because it gave me a goal in life: to not be Roman.

Such majestic creatures.

Such majestic creatures.

Yes, but then they respawn.

Yes, but then they respawn.

An extended version of the last part of Inception? So it's a mental process that conveniently manifests as guys shooting at other guys for three hours?

An extended version of the last part of Inception? So it's a mental process that conveniently manifests as guys shooting at other guys for three hours?

I'm reading that thing about Batman: Oddysey and I can't stop giggling. That would be less awkward if I weren't in a funeral home right now.

I'm reading that thing about Batman: Oddysey and I can't stop giggling. That would be less awkward if I weren't in a funeral home right now.

What the hell is a sound collage?

What the hell is a sound collage?

A character named Will who is supposed to

A character named Will who is supposed to

I saw a Frank Frazetta painting on sale for $350,000. Our standard should be that.

I saw a Frank Frazetta painting on sale for $350,000. Our standard should be that.

If you have several peope who like Lost in one room, spirited debate follows. Less flippantly, it was actually a lot of fun.