Andrew M

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I’ll admit that from the first day badgers was released, I thought it said African snake. I was only corrected a year ago. Triggered.

Yes, rush, but if you’re willing to acknowledge that the right to privacy was being ignored and no probable cause was required in the mass surveillance, does that mean nothing?

I’ll just pop in and say that if anyone needs to pull data from an HFS+ formatted drive in WINDOWS, get HFS explorer. It’s free, and so damn excellent. It’s been so tolerant of faults (if you tell it to be) that it can read data from a severely damaged Apple (firmware) Hitachi drive where OSX itself gives up and

Ah, so you must work in the [select * from careers where 1=1] field.

Yes, and not just last year... It’s pretty dangerous compared to other hobbies like philately.

I see exactly what you mean...

ok I don’t want to be that guy, and I agree with you, but the low quality part can play a part. If you render out a scene in 1080p then re-encode with a lossy algorithm, potential tells in your renders will be softened if not obliterated. If you want to fool people (not what is going on in these videos - the source

All these stupid lazy millennials! Clearly these people don’t know what they’re doing because I heard on TV that young people are dumb now. They’re getting all uppity now, and pretending to be brilliant. Pfft. I could have done this in 1983 with my trusty VAX, I just didn’t want to.

For what it’s worth, even though he talks like a stoned chav, Andy is pretty damn solid on his safety, at least when it comes to actually being shocked. When it comes to fume evacuation, protection against ozone, x-rays etc... not so much.

It’s 18 minutes after the hour and time for our daily feature of debate: Count/Pointercount

When I’m doing 75 in a 65 zone, and someone comes up on me doing 90, and the middle lane is doing 55, it’s not safe to move to the right. In my state, you must move to the right if you are impeding traffic, but in ALL instances where its gone to court that I’ve found (over a hundred), when the slower driver is already

I was under the impression they were hackable. With firmware hacks enabling them to run PSP games and classic console stuff, it seems like a good buy.

I was under the impression they were hackable. With firmware hacks enabling them to run PSP games and classic

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that Pebble sell first party apps, rather that instead of using the third party payment system some developers have adopted, Pebble should provide the option for developers to sell their apps on the Pebble platform with Pebble getting a cut of the revenue.

SADLY, I worry that this is proof that they’re NOT doing well. They need to adopt a model closer to Apple and Android and charge for premium apps and watchfaces directly in the app (when allowed to by TOS from Apple etc). Without the app ecosystem, they’re going to keep hemorrhaging money. Also, I just backed my third

“Five?” “To by going on with?” Are you even an EXPERT on reasons?

Hey! NO sex or human bodies, unless they’re being torn apart graphically. THAT is fine for all ages, but NO BOOBS. AMERICA.

I just think it’s strange that the game somehow looked more realistic.

Your nephew wants the same super power I do? WOW!

Honestly? Because I sometimes sit on the couch with it.