
I didn’t buy Breakpoint but it seems like they just ignored everything they did well in Wildlands and just picked a random Reddit topic of complaints about the game to follow to the letter.

The group i played wild lands with decided to skip breakpoint and pick up escape from tarkov instead. We do not regret the decision. 

Get the OG oculus. Used you shouldnt spend more than 200. I have it, works well and with the limit of games on VR, in my head there is no reason to spend more. 

Counterpoint: That business strategy died off for a good reason because it was often prohibitively expensive and the PC market’s boom in the last decade is because companies started trying to allow more than rich enthusiasts to play their games.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

that will most definitely see the light of day for the public

Sounds more like jealousy for Jeremy.

You don't have to be a dickhead jeremy45567. Good job on the article Zack! It was well written and I do agree with the issue you bring up. Jeremy wishes he could have your job ;)

spoken like a true loser

People don’t play shitty games for 100 hours.

There are no people I understand less then people who like the prequels

Prequel liker here, they are better than anything disney has put out. But i did like Solo personally, i think its the best thing to come out so far since the disney buyout. 

Huh, during this whole thing, I didn’t even think of the fact that they literally just made another Pokemon game on the Switch last year, with models and animations and everything.

I think Gamefreak have done a disservice to fans with this entry to the series. The old release it and leave it strategy isn’t going to work anymore and they need to say that missing Pokemon and moves will be rolled out periodically over the next few months. Because if news breaks that they’ve just moved on to a new

I say go with her! Harry is super charismatic, and from what I’ve seen from One Direction shows, he puts on a great show.

I love paying 70+ dollars (plus a monthly fee) to have the privilege of paying full price for year-old games that will—AT BEST—have mild amounts of noticeable input latency.

Fixed it

They aren’t friends.

Because dude prefers to enjoy a bad movie hes an edgey person? Haha. Logic