
DELANY! I love how brad made him a villain.

You’re assuming he is getting laid.

They keep doing it by effectively ending any competition by having an exclusive contract with the nfl and nflpa.

Soon after Jerry started his crimes, Joe Pa was shown a daguerreotype of the abuse, and he brushed it aside to prepare for the next game. 

I had to give up and delete madden. This is honestly one of the worst versions yet. Not sure how EA keep doing it, ha. One day they will add physics and awareness to the game. 

The Funhaus crew in Kotaku. Gang-gang <3

Anytime I see Orlovsky telling us what QBs should or shouldn’t do, I can’t help but remember the time HE RAN OUT THE BACK OF HIS OWN GODDAMNED ENDZONE!

I’ve been a Pats fan my whole life. But to say that Rodgers gets special treatment, while Brady does not, is asinine.

He told his equipment manager to deflate thee balls and he smashed his phone when asked for texts, haha. He didn’t know anything about it my dick.

Right - the guy who along with Peyton Manning was instrumental in getting the rules changed in the first place to allow the QB to have the game ball that they use on offense inflated to the pressure they prefer (within a specified range) couldn’t tell the difference between over inflated and under inflated footballs.

No shit. Magary’s take that he got fucked over is total weak sauce.

> Tom Brady is the undisputed greatest quarterback in NFL history.

I mean, there’s so much unchecked rage in that tweet that I can’t even parse what, exactly, the author is upset about. Black people?

Brady is an idiot douchebag and I’m super excited for idiots in my state to elect him a US Senator after he retires from football.

Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft all gladly endorsed a white supremacist for president.

Because the Bears don’t start black QB’s, let alone draft them. The last 2 black QB’s to start for the Bears - Kordell Stewart (2003 - 7 games) and Jason Campbell (2012 - 1 game).

As long as the reviews look good, I’d recommend going with the Outer worlds. As a new IP, it needs all of the help it can get at launch so that it isn’t DOA.

I’d recommend leaving Modern Warfare for later.

They are not completely wrong. Most superhero movies are trash. There is a total of 5ish good ones that out in the last 10 years. The best two aren't even marvel movies. Logan and Spiderverse.