
yet you clicked this article? virtue signaling to the kotaku comments about how you are so above these streamers?

Also all of the new DICE games, starting with Battlefront 1 (i think maybe the introduction to Frostibite 4? Could be wrong), the server connections are absolute dogshit. Some of the very few games I ever have connectivity issues with.

cool thank you for taking the time

i do subtitles when i have the time . . . IN FACT! i had time, this time! there’ll be subtitles in there in a couple minutes . . . !!!!!

You can acknowledge, rightly, that listing it as a line-item instead of just integrating it into the food prices is a nasty way for restaurant owners to turn their customers against their own employees.

Yeah, this issue came up on the Salty Waitress column over on the Takeout a couple weeks ago.

Speaking as pro-employee, restaurants should integrate the costs of employee health insurance into their pricing. Restaurants who insist on this surcharge are, as you say, just passive-aggressively complaining about

He’s right — this shit is awful. When you walk into a restaurant and look at the price on the menu that’s what you expect to pay, plus tax and tip. There are places in LA that throw 20% on the end as a fee, then auto-calculate your tip percentages with that fee included. This is a shitty way for restaurants to pretend

Yeah I don’t want businesses to humble brag, complain or point out the benefits they should be be providing their employees in the first place.

I’m with Darren here. I’ve seen a few restaurants pull this bullshit- there’s a chicken place in California that has a “California cost of business fee”.

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa I was fired for being a gargantuan asshole to someone I’m supposed to educate and enrich, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 


Uh, you know those ads are served based on your search history my dude.

You know those ads are populated by your browser history and not the website you see them on right?

No, gear score is mostly for robot/drone enemies and maybe body shots? Headshots will be one shot kills (two shots if they’re wearing a helmet.

I’m grabbing a month of Uplay+ so I can attempt to bomb my way through the base game’s content... as well as finish off division 2 and anno 1800.

I’m usually all for the little man dealing some damage to a big bully corporation but in this case, the little man is a fucking scammer. So fuck the judge who ruled against the contract that asshole signed.

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

They won't bring back claptrap or union voice actors, but they manage to bring back alleged abuser Chris Hardwick. Good fucking job Gearbox.

They do offensive comedy well, which is hard to do. Unlike that porn article a couple days ago.