I don’t really have the spare time for hog slaughtering...
I don’t really have the spare time for hog slaughtering...
“Perks have been around since the start of Call of Duty multiplayer”
Why not combine both ideas? You manage your own team and, ONLY IF YOU WANT TO, you can participate in a match. It’s your choice if you join a player-vs-player league or play with and against NPCs.
The “One Love Manchester” show, set for June 4, will feature artists like Pharrell, Katy Perry, Coldplay, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Niall Horan, and more.
We’ve reached the chess match phase of this series, and it’s a testament the depths of both teams that they can…
The Pirate Bay is about to turn 13, and in honour of the site becoming a teenager, folks like Torrentfreak are…
Being an asshole is the family going on The Bachelorette, and deliberately putting out 2 empty chairs to represent Aaron and Olivia.
You know, I don’t doubt that ELO Hell is a thing, but I’ve been able to crawl 900 SR out of Bronze into almost gold. I thought I was just getting unlucky in more recent matches, but now I’m coming to grips with the fact that I might just be a high silver player. *sigh*
Oh well, season’s not over yet.
In a suitably disorienting manner, the pop craftsman/practical jokers/conceptual artists of the KLF have disavowed…
Biologist here. We can respond to this. These trees offer more to the planet than younger trees (more CO2 absorption, deeper roots, more biodiversity etc) and it takes hundreds of years to replace them. Make a quick call to your representatives demanding protection for older forests. (Planting new trees in cities is…
Me. I noted it up there ^.
This game needed to be a giant single persistent world. Why would I want to build a base on some random planet, if no one is ever going to see it. I think that was the biggest piece this game was missing. Its a giant boring sandbox, allowing people to interact would give people a goal. maybe a planet ends up…
It’s grossly unfair how much power women have.
Admirable restraint on the part of everyone else.
No one has thought about Cliff Harris since 2013 and he hasn’t done anything to garner any attention to himself.
What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of…
There really aren’t any words I can put here that will enhance your enjoyment of the video above, because it’s just…