
Well its Mr. Sunday Movies, its there. They pay a dude to animate and its it their description. 

IMO Solo was the best thing that disney has done with Star Wars, haha.  

Mr. Sunday movies is a great youtube channel. Caravan of Garbage on the spiderman films (og) are some of the funniest videos. 

But its a story that has already been told. Its like splitting up the hobbit movies for no reason, haha. Its just padding. 

If you completely miss the point then your point makes sense. Its like RE2 remake but they make the first game just the gas station, but they added a few more things to do around the gas station. Sucks it will take over 10 years for a single game and narrative to come out. I know you said just watch a lets play, but

Stop reminding me i own this game, haha. 

I will try to explain it better. Its about breaking the game and to do that you have to play the game alot. The hours that were saved over the years were people who loved the game so much the figured out how it was made and found ways around the player bockades set by the devs. But its a different mindset for sure.

Midrange is pretty bad. Jackfrags has a few videos on it. It isnt as bad as it was when they first launched it. 

They did roll back the changes a bit but not enough. Shouldnt take multiple headshots to kill someone with most guns. The maps are fucking gorgeous though, you at least need to play match or two. 

They had it perfect like a month ago too. Then they decided in the most EA move ever, to change it up. Like, dang guys, i enjoy your garbage ass games please stop making them worse. 

Cant rewrite history bub. People were excited about this game pre-release. 

Ita letting you know what info they got going into the show, haha. Stop being such a dork.

CNN hates bernie so no surprise. He fired someone after a conserative website went for him and prolly checks every single person that they hire. I didnt see the tweets in mention in the article so i wonder if they were jokes or not. 

Mainly because bernie has been on the up and up for over 40 years of service to this country.  Honestly its its prolly the young turks at least at one point was the largest progressive new channel and they supported him. Not everyone on the channel are scumbags. This isnt that terrible of a mistake. He listened to the

Bernie Bro thing was a myth but we democrates love shitting on each other. It was pushed out by The Atlantic and Hillary to attack progressive voters that didnt line up with their corporate intrests. But keep fighting for the rich i guess? 

I got hammered for saying that Jeze isnt super bro bernie the other day, haha. Also, fuck the young turks. There is a few people i liked but i stopped watching them years ago. 

Wont change too, they got rid of deadspin for speaking up. :( 

I think the game holds up and is 10/10 till this day. Its the only halo that i replayed multiple times over the years. 

Didnt think anyone liked reach more than 1 and 3. Its honestly weird to me. 

Okay, haha. Never said it wasnt good just rhe weakest. The weakest dude at a strong mam comp is still pretty strong. But to say Reach is as good as 1 or 3, imo is a little silly.