Dr. Understeer

Question is, are any of these line useful for transit? (seriously asking I don't know how LA travel works.)

Do not like the bloated look here... *cries in waterfall puddle*

Go look at their lineup. You can have AWD on the S60, V60, XC60, XC70, S80, XC90. EVERY CAR THEY MAKE.

Seen here, early design sketch for next C70?

It's common on early test flights to not retract the landing gear.

Braking distance will go down if we keep the brake size the same, and cars ccontinue on the lightweighting trend, throw in the idea that autonomous cars might not need as many added passive safety features (1970's 5mph bumper?!?!) and even more weight is removed. Thus improving both braking distance AND efficiency.

"Fooooking 'Ell" GAWKER!!! Where is the dismiss function. Or better yet, just auto-grey "working at/from home" posts.

Thank you for bringing the knowledge to the non-pilots. Thank you. Of all the complaints private pilots have with the FAA this has to be the smallest.

Could I see a picture of the trunk/hood hinges. Or maybe the fuel filler hole... you know... for a friend.

Half expected to see big S-A-L-E placards in the hoods. They still haven't sold out the run, right?

Dead fish and Low Pollution! I find our compromises livable.

Wouldn't we all. Welcome to below deck fellow internet commentator. *RowingSceneFromBenHur.gif*

The range isn't the limiting factor here, it's the inverter and cooling, remember that time a Model S tried to lap the Nordschleife. It quit after ~2minutes because full power overheated things...

It sounds like a Tie Fighter. That alone is enough to justify it's existence.

Ticky-Tacky. Le spoiler, SPOILS a perfect design, downforce be damned that thing has got to go.

Won't have to look at, and the interior is reaaaaaally wonderful.

If you're Ralph Lauren, 30 miles per 10 dead garment workers.

The end is nigh! There is clearly a subprime classic bubble just waiting to pop. Soon these auctions will look like a Nevada exurb in 2009, filled with tumbleweeds and broken dreams.
