Dr. Understeer

We all know this but Love is irrational.

This will be a hard 25 Years.... Fucking mercedes benz and 1970s america.

Congrats on trolling me... I'm too confused to even know what to ask...

About once a week I see one,

Bingo, even with the expensive Tesla service plan its nothing compared to the costs of even a "cheap" Luxo-Barge. Take my family's XC70. That thing can and does, drink dinos like it is 1999. 15city....

"...For her pleasure" ???

I keep seeing a White P85 in the Enumclaw area. It is one fine piece of design.


Where the groceries go.

Where the fun happens.

Pensions aren't just a pile of numbers to throw around and "get rid of" they are people's retirement. Hard working, honest folk that in 1970 were promised livable sunset years and you just want to fuck 'em? .......


Politely... FUCK OFF TWAT.

I still can't get past how ugly it is... that face... yikes!

I'm guessing South Africa? He appears to have won South African Automotive Photo of the Year. Twice. Check out his website.

Watch "Rodger and Me"

"short-order cooks, home healthcare aides and daycare provider"

Wait... no frunk?

two words... FUCK YEAH!

Kinda true for tesla too... Owners on the Telsa forums are bitchin' about a lack of Loaner cars, due to them being sold out from under the service fleet.