@Sparx: @AkirasCrow: Agreed.
@Sparx: @AkirasCrow: Agreed.
I'm happy for the wait, it gives me more time to buy a Playstation 3, but this game has me worried because as with many games dependent on user-created content, if that doesn't take off, that could definitely hurt the title.
If quality is any measure, Stranglehold and Blacksite were both average titles at best. I'm really not all that sad that I traded both in to get the World Ends with You and GTA IV.
Non-HD, but star wars related. Do want, but not willing to sell my soul over.
@TitillatedOcelot:I concur, maybe if she raised her precious little snowflakes with a bit more effort. . .
This doesn't need an outlet, the sheer amount of awesome will turn the light on.
@diablodevil2: @NitrousO: @Hauler: @Rabidsquirrel: @PatMan33: @GARlock: @Sir_Crocidile:
Heard mixed reviews on the movie, someone wanna give me a brief thought on whether or not this is worth my ten dollars at the local cinema?
@DaiMacculate: That's exactly what bother's me I think about the whole thing. The sense of art for art's sake being lost and tossed aside in the name of a few more zeroes at the bottom of a quarterly financial report.
This makes me wonder about capitalism and how it fits into the whole framework of the video game industry. Maybe the evil empire really isn't so evil and maybe it is, but it all depends on circumstance and point of view I suppose.