
The bikes change from year to year based on specific rule changes which come into effect. Much like in F1, there are rule changes concerning the weight of the bike, the amount of fuel it can use, engine limits and capacities, electronic packages, and even brakes.

Correct, it's a guard for the brake lever.

The discussion of "safety" needs to be broken down, I think.

This may be an obvious question, but is there a distinction between an "Owner's Manual" and "Service Manual" with autos?

All right, I know I've said my piece, and that this is a few days late now, but I came across something today which should have hit me sooner.

Really? So only the competitors are justified in caring about "who ends up where?" It's called a RACE! I watch the specific races I do because I am fan of those sports in particular. But what makes them exciting to watch is the battles which take place, the swapping of positions, the potential knock-outs. That's

1. Rent Car.

So how exactly is this executed, with respect to accel/decel? If I watched that correctly, the rider did not touch the clutch. Was it just dropped into second or third and left to its own devices? Definitely used the brakes, that I can see, but I feel like that would be stupid jerky in first with no clutch control.

It's also sporting a double-sided swing arm, which makes for a less-than-simple conversion, IMO. Still looks awesome, I'll take one of those and their original pls.

To be fair, the signs do read "stage", twice, in top corner. Seems like the best place to have a staged photo :P

Whaaa... That's disappointing. I should have jumped on that while it was still around.

I'm in complete agreement with you on the state of Taxi service and systems in Toronto. Utterly criminal. I have taken to (shamefully) using Uber if only for the convenience. Trying to pay my fare with plastic on a conventional ride is painful. Often drivers will claim their systems are down or they want to drive

This is a good example of why the top riders are often referred to as 'Aliens'. Out of this world.

This is a good example of why the top riders are often referred to as 'Aliens'. Out of this world.