
“Are you sure it isn’t an insect or arachnid?"

Fair point.

Ill fated? Didn’t that fiasco indirectly lead to them winning the Premier League?

You’re right. For all we know they could all be roommates.

I don’t want to alarm those two Sims but it seems their roommate is giving a handy behind them.

The little hop from the asari lady looks kind of odd but endearing in a way.

Weird that 22Cans is making a JRPG.

I find that there’s some really great jokey lines that the voice actors for the player sells pretty well.

I never really had any problems playing against Genji. I probably die as much to him as anyone else.

Wouldn’t be the first Olympic themed one I’ve seen.

I was thinking more Cowboy BeBop with the hand in pocket and whatnot.

That picture looks like a still out of an anime.

Wait I recognize that NerfNow character...

That is kind of neat. With so many small groups spread out through America I guess it makes sense if they’re pretty different sometimes.

Ah. I’m one of those people who only played from 3 onward.

Maxson is a dick. I thought the BoS Boston were real shitbags.

Yeah and I don’t see Jun complaining!

How about most annoying instead?

Yeah I think this is there whole allusion to the Galapagos islands they were talking about during E3.