
Ah. I’m one of those people who only played from 3 onward.

Maxson is a dick. I thought the BoS Boston were real shitbags.

Yeah and I don’t see Jun complaining!

How about most annoying instead?

Yeah I think this is there whole allusion to the Galapagos islands they were talking about during E3.

Even then I only really want the first one.

Xbox One is out. Saw Majornelson tweet about it. Not sure about PSN.

Yeah. At a certain point though I’m just asking for actual Pokemon and I don’t think that’s what they’re aiming for.

True. But I still get a bunch of Drowzees.

That’s how I’ve played, yes.

Tap for the regular attack and hold and release for the special attack that uses the bar that fills up. You can see what moves your pokemon has when you select them. They only have two. Types do matter.

Truk not munkey?

I haven’t played it but I really only like Faith’s design. Everyone else looks ridiculous which kind of fits from what I’ve seen of the game but still.

I’ll wait for the inevitable Drobot’s Adventures.

I only own a Xbox so I’m biased in that I hear about what he says more than the most other games people but I think he seems genuine and personal which was 1000% needed after Mattrick.

Saints Row is the Fast and Furious franchise of video games. Or the other way round. Either way, I love it.

He has jorts for Christ sake.

It’s kind of like the iPhone. The new phones aren’t that different from the old ones but they run things better. Meanwhile the apps usually work on both but they’ll run better on one.

I still find it weird that the first Injustice was never on the Xbox One. Maybe they just thought it wasn’t worth the investment at the time or something.